Articles update in progress. All articles and project files should be updated by January 31th 2025.
Welcome to DX Explorer, a blog and YouTube channel with articles on homebrew amateur radio gear that will hopefully inspire you into crafting your own unique radio projects. Most articles here are for those making their first steps into building their own radio equipment. I do not sell any products, kits or PCB boards. Please use the available links to order.
The articles and the videos are not meant as instructions or tutorials. I am simply sharing the projects I am working on, hoping to inspire you. This way we all learn together, with a little help from the experienced ones. Keep in mind that there may be mistakes in the schematics or the project files. I am always trying to correct and improve each project, but I will not guarantee that they will be 100% mistakes free. I am not an engineer. I am just a simple person pasionate about amateur radio and building homebrew radio gear.
In a digital world, stick to analog. It will save your life someday.
I am passionate about amateur radio since childhood. I got back into the hobby in 2016, while living aboard my sailboat. I received my license in 2022. I use mostly QRP equipment experimenting with all modes, but I prefer CW or SSB.
I like building my own equipment. There is a particular satisfaction for me in using homebrew gear. I prefer simple circuits that do not require very large budgets. I am always amazed by the results obtained with just a few components. Because over time I worked a lot with digital equipment, in amateur radio I prefer everything to be analog.
The best part of the hobby, is that I made great friends from all over the world. It feels like I have family relatives everywhere around the world. Maybe people could learn from the amateur radio community about the way we get along and help each other. I appreciate a lot how helpful people are in this hobby. That is also why I’ve learned so much in a short time.
Most of the equipment I’m building is here on the website and on the YouTube Channel.
73, YO6DXE.
Mostly 100% homebrew or kit builds.
- tr(u)SDX: CW / SSB ( 5W );
- QRPGuys AFP-FSK Digital ( 5W );
- Tidradio TD-H3: FM VHF / UHF ( 5W );
- Rooster: 40m CW ( 2W );
- Forty 9er: 40m CW ( 2W );
- Pititico: 40m CW ( 700 mW );
- Pititico II: 40m CW ( 700mW );
- G3XBM uu80b: 80m CW ( 700mW ).
- Michigan Mighty Mite: 40m CW ( 500mW );
- Ten Minutes Transmitter: 80 – 20m CW ( 700mW );
- Minimalist Transmitter: 40m CW ( 700mW ).
- Sputnik Regenerative Receiver ( 40m );
- N1TEV: Regenerative Receiver ( 80m to 40m );
- roWaves Lidia DC Receiver ( 80m );
- Little Roo DC Receiver ( 40m );
- roWaves RBA-03 Receiver: ( Airband ):
- roWaves DJ1WF Pocket Receiver: ( VLF );
- K8TND Sferic Receiver ( ELF – VLF );
- Heathkit CR-1 Crystal Radio Replica;
- DL6ZB – Two BJT DC Receiver ( 40m ).
- EFHW 8010 – Shortened ( 80m to 10m );
- EFHW 4010 ( 40 to 10m );
- DX Vertical ( 20m );
- roWaves MHF-4217 Whip ( 17m, 20m, 40m );
- DK7ZB Yagi ( VHF / UHF );
- Vertical Dipole ( VHF / UHF );
- PA0RDT Mini Whip RX ( 10kHz – 30MHz );
- roWaves RX Magnetic Antenna ( 3MHz to 8MHz ).
I have accounts on most used websites, to confirm the QSO in case you are running for any awards. I will constantly update my log and confirm the QSO’s ( all modes ) on: QRZ, eQSL and LOTW. If you request it, I will be glad to also send you a traditional printed QSL card. I only mail them directly, no bureau.