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Tidradio BL – 1 is a Bluetooth Adapter to help you program your Baofeng radio on the spot, together with the Odmaster programing app. I find it to be useful when portable as we don’t carry a laptop in the backpack. Check the product details for the list of supported radios before making your purchase. There is a wide list of radios that I won’t post in the article. from my understanding the list is constantly updating. Get the latest list from the product page.
I still like the old fashioned programing cable / Chirp software. the Bluetooth adapter option and the programing app are great when portable. This Bluetooth adapter is really cheap too.
So far I haven’t found issues with the Tidradio BL-1 Bluetooth adapter or the app. I know some people reported some issues in the past. Until know I didn’t had to deal with those issues. I guess that means that Tidradio is working on constantly improving their products.
Tidradio BL-1 Bluetooth Adapter
I didn’t use it often, as I had no time to go portable this summer. But I did do a lot of testing, so when I do go portable, I know that all my gear works fine. at first I was totally against this Bluetooth programing thing that everyone talks about lately. Right now I also like it. Here is a short list of reasons why I actually ended up loving this little programing adapter. To my surprise I do find it very useful at times.
- Easy to import local repeaters using the Odmaster programing app,
- You can store programing data into the app, so you can always reprogram your radio,
- Supports a wide range of radios and the list is continuing to update,
- Long battery life as so far I didn’t managed to drain it after the first charge,
- Great for outdoors and backpacking as it doesn’t take much space.
I hope that the list of supported radios will extend, as I find it great for older transceivers. Unfortunately the one I had on hand was not supported so I can do a demo video. I did tested it on a UV5R and it works like a charm. The TD-H8 I have has built in Bluetooth. So I sent the Bluetooth adapter to my friend Stefan – YO5ASB, so he can use it on his radio.
Is really useful when traveling a lot. Just because you can program local repeaters so quick. I do photography for a living. In the future I will travel for extended periods of time. Imagine how many times I will end up re-programing the radio to add local repeaters ( ha ).
Even if I am not into digital technology, I do like this programing adapter. At home I will always use a computer / software combination and a regular cable. But if backpacking, this is clearly a good choice. The fact that the battery last almost 24 hours, is a great plus. I am happy that Tidradio started to implement Bluetooth programing into their new radios. The Tidradio BL-1 is still a great option for older radios.
I guess I would program the radio twice in a backpacking trip. First programing the radio to new local repeaters in the area I am traveling to. Then re-programing it back to my usual frequencies. And is so easy to do it using the Odmaster app. It may not be lightning fast, but it works great.
You don’t even have to register for an account to use the app and the features offered by the app. If used with ought an account / logged in, you may have some limitations though. I hope you will find it useful as well. Do you want to read more reviews on Tidradio ? Have a look at the new Tidradio TD-H8 Transceiver. Right now is my main radio both for local repeaters, but also for satellite QSO’s. I have a feeling you will see a lot of videos on this in the future.
73, YO6DXE